Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How Shakesfeare Got Started

I would first like to explain how this idea for an event for Cedar City came to be. I was a custodian for the Shakespeare theatres, and some friends and I noticed how scary it is when working there at nights.
We later thought of making it into a haunted theatre, like the Phantom of the Opera, but we wanted to do something that was more original. We later thought of calling it "Shakesfeare" and the idea of having scary characters from Shakespeare tragedies haunt the people of Cedar City came into effect.
When we got started with the name, I began to think that this idea is too good, somebody must’ve thought of it first. I began to search the web using Google and found very few results that associated with the name “Shakesfeare.” I found a metal band under the same name. I found events, but they were parties with costume contests. I even found a definition for it, but it was a term for people that were afraid of understanding Shakespeare plays. When I realized that I couldn’t find anything regarding a haunted theatre, I decided to jump on it and make it happen.
 This idea fits perfectly with Cedar City being known as Festival City, USA, and The Shakespeare season normally ends before Halloween.
With this event, the main purpose will be to give people a small taste of what Shakespeare is like for people that have never been to a play, or even heard of Shakespeare. What better way to share the excitement of Shakespeare, than here in Cedar City, the host of the Award Winning Utah Shakespeare Festival. This will be a great promotion to help people come to the Shakespeare plays more. Shakesfeare, as a form of the seasonal Halloween entertainment, is a way to introduce and familiarize an audience with the horror/thriller aspect of Shakespeare plays.
Since Shakespeare normally ends before Halloween, it is perfect timing to have that seasonal theme correspond with the Shakespeare plays.
With this event, we’re hoping for a great turnout, so that we can get it started annually. The best part will be to have “Shakesfeare” theme based on the plays that are showing or will show for the following year. That way each year of “Shakesfeare” will be different with a new play or a new character to add on to the horror genre.

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